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The local organizing committe:

    Dezso Miklos, BSM director, Budapest Office
    Anna Foti, Director of Student Services, Budapest Office
    Agnes Szilard, BSM associate director, Budapest Office
Please, email Agnes Szilard at agnes.szilard _youknowwhat_ if you have any questions.

The Mathematics and Mathematics Education Conference Organizing Committe:

    Kiran Kedlaya (UCSD and BSM)
    Andras Gyarfas (Renyi Institute)
    Matyas Domokos, (Renyi Institute)
    Dezso Miklos (BSM/Renyi Institute)
Please, contact Peter Maga (Renyi Institute) at magapeter you know what gmail something missing com if you have any questions.

The Reunion Committee:

    Kristina Garrett (St Olaf), BSM director, American Office
    Dezso Miklos (Renyi Institute), BSM director, Budapest Office
    Laszlo Babai (University of Chicago), BSM founder, PMA member
    Kiran Kedlaya (UCSD), BSM alumn, PMA member
    Please, contact Dezso Miklos if you have any questions.