Hungarian + Club

  • Instructor: Anna Fóti
  • Contact:
  • Prerequisites:  A desire to get to know more about Hungary and the Hungarians
  • Text: none

Course description: To enhance your BUDAPEST Semesters in Mathematics experience a "fun Hungarian" "course" is planned as well, to offer an opportunity to relax between your classes and research sessions and get some insight infos about the background of BSM, namely, Hungary and Budapest as well as for you to have a chance to interact socially with your fellow students.

Traditionally BSM offers this non-credit class every semester. to discuss topics regarding life in Budapest, the Hungarian language, local politics, culture, etc.  The main purpose of the course is to give useful and fun information, while introducing you to the very unique Hungarian culture - a mixture of language, real life, culture, politics and insights. We meet once a week.

Suggested topics: (may vary depending on the group's dynamics and interests)

  • Hungary and the Hungarians. The Hungarian mind set. (’Why are we all miserable’)
  • Budapest, the capital of Hungary
  • The Hungarian language
  • Budapest in the movies and in the international media
  • Hungarian gastronomy: foods and drinks that you can find in the US too
  • The Hungarian educational system. Budapest Semesters in Mathematics (BSM).
  • Hungarian book, movie, music and fine arts suggestions
  • Famous Hungarians in the US and famous foreigners in Hungary
  • Hungarian inventions
  • You know you are a Hungarian, when… Quiz for fun prizes.